Friday 13 July 2012

Friday: The Week in Review

This has been a busy week!

I brought home a pile of fabric [my favourite sight: a bundle of new fabrics] and have been sewing a great deal. Shorts, dresses, blouses. I'll do a post soon.

My favourite sight: a bundle of new fabric

I finally got new tennis shoes. I love them! Super light, super comfortable, and they have tiny Michelin Men on the heels. ♥

My garden has been growing like crackerjacks and one morning for breakfast I had nothing but a big bowl of blueberries and strawberries, floating in milk. Heaven.

I work as a research assistant for a post-doc at York, and this week he gave me an interesting assignment. He's writing about an experimental film that remixes clips from old Andy Hardy movies, and he wanted me to find out the source of a particular scene in the film. I had heard of Andy Hardy, but had never seen any of the movies. It's a film series starring Mickey Rooney from the 30s and 40s, and is considered the first 'sit-com', though in the form of movies, since they predate television somewhat.

I've been trying to narrow down which of the movies this particular scene could be from (there are 16 of them) and have been downloading them. So far I've watched two. At first I thought I would just skip through the film on fast-forward, trying to spot the scene, but they are strangely compelling and once I start watching I can't seem to stop. It's like a mystery case, I've become completely wrapped up in trying to track down this little clip, and I have a feeling I'll have seen all 16 Andy Hardy movies before the week is out.

♥ Dawn

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