Wednesday 20 June 2012

Elegy for a healthy plant Or, another problem with condos

The yard maintenance person cut down my pepper plant with an edger today. I didn't notice until hours later, when I went out to pick some onions for dinner. I'm truly upset. I don't have a photo, but it already had a good-sized pepper on it, a smaller one, and lots of blossoms that were turning into fruit. It was such a healthy plant! I know it was just one plant, I can get another, shouldn't take it so hard, etc., but I am really upset. When I heard the mower running out back I thought of going outside and asking them to be careful around the garden plots, but then thought it probably wasn't necessary. Lesson learned. This is not a terrible place to live, but I really will be happy to have my own garden somewhere soon, where I take care of everything and there are no nosy neighbours just a few feet away.

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