Monday 20 February 2012

Monday in instagram

Today was a sort of holiday, I have the week off school!

When I got up I baked these superb muffins (in the Guardian, here). I used chopped bacon instead of ham, as that's all I had home, but I think they'd be so lovely with leftover Christmas ham. (That is certainly the most goyish thing I've ever said.  Also, is it odd that I already long for Christmas again?) Ate them while reading the third Millenium book as slowly as possible.  I want to know what happens so much, but I also never want the books to end! I can't stand the thought of not having any more to read about Lisbeth Salander and Mikael.

Afterward I did some reading for school.

Then I drew a card, which is also a puzzle, for my boyfriend's birthday next month.

I found these blank jigsaw puzzles a few months ago at an art supply store and have been waiting for the occasion to use it!

Later I sewed a new blouse while catching up on How I Met Your Mother. The last couple of seasons have not been so great, but I feel obligated to keep watching, now that I have seen all the other seasons.  Sort of in it for the long haul now, and after all, I need to find out who the Mother will be!

For dinner I made my current favourite kind of omelette: spinach, bacon and blue cheese filling, three foods which are definitely best friends.  And dead easy!

1. Cut two strips of bacon into small bits (or use lardons) and fry them up.  Drain off the fat, but save some to fry your omelette.
2. Chop the spinach roughly, and wilt it in the hot bacony pan. (Bacon fat and spinach love one another).
3. Meanwhile cook your omelette. I use two eggs and a quarter cup of milk whisked together, for one person.  Add a tiny bit of nutmeg to the eggs for extra deliciousness (nutmeg also loves spinach - I mean really, who doesn't).  If you have the skills to flip omelettes in the pan, by all means do so! It is an art. I just let mine cook all the way through while resting, leisurely, on one side.  A lid helps, but don't leave it on the whole time or your eggs will cook too quickly and get too bubbly.
4. When the omelette is almost done, add your crumbled blue cheese (a tablespoon?) to the spinach and mix the bacon back in, if you haven't already. Just before filling the omelette add a tiny tiny dash of mild vinegar to the spinach mixture, to brighten up the flavour.
5. Fill and eat.  Yum!!

 And that's Monday through the eye of my mobile phone!

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