Monday, 10 November 2014

polish trick

My grandmother used to tell me that when she was a girl, in the 1940s, it was the style to leave your "half-moons", or the area by the cuticle, unpolished when doing your nails. I always thought that sounded very difficult, verging on impossible, so I didn't try it. But a few days ago I read that it was also the style in those days to remove a tiny hairsbreadth of polish from the ends of your nails by running the edge of your thumb along it. Taken together these two tricks were supposed to make your manicure last longer since the polish is prevented from peeling at the cuticle and chipping when you touch things with your nails.  I never bother painting my nails lately since I hate how quickly it looks chipped, so I had to try it. And it totally works!

This picture was taken days after I painted my nails, the manicure lasted through daily showers (always a culprit in my nail chipping), dish doing, tub scrubbing, lots and lots of typing and who knows what else, with only one touch up. After a week I took it off for another colour. I'm so impressed how this works! The chips are barely existent and way less noticeable and I think my nails look longer too.

It's not at all hard to leave the half-moon unpainted, just paint three strokes, one in the middle, then one on each side that starts a little further down. It's easier to get the shape smooth on
the second coat, and it takes a little practise to get them all even.

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