Saturday, 11 August 2012

My birthday!

Today was my birthday! Hooray!

It started with brunch with my mum and dad at my favourite old-fashioned restaurant, Russel William's in Burlington. Because it was by birthday I ordered the most enormous breakfast on the menu. It was hard to fit it all into the frame.  Yum!

Cute parents.

When we came home it was time to get ready for my cousin's wedding!

I had the bright idea that by standing on the bed to take a photograph I could try to disguise the total disaster which is my room. Clearly that idea did not work! My shoes didn't make it into the picture but I wore my beloved navy blue Ferragamos. They looked just right with this outfit, which I sewed myself from vintage patterns. 

The wedding and the party afterwards were wonderful. I was so busy talking, dancing, eating, dancing, talking, drinking, dancing, eating that I only managed to take this one blurry photo the entire evening!

All my nicest cousins that I hardly ever see were there and my cousin's new wife looked happier than I have ever seen anyone look. It was all lovely, and the band played all the best songs. We all danced and laughed and danced some more.

At midnight we left because my sister was getting tired, although I was not. It's saddest feeling I know to leave a party before you're ready!

Thursday, 9 August 2012

I'm gonna kick his ask

 New haircut! I went back to my old hairdresser in Toronto and she did a great job on my bangs but I think I pointed a little too high when indicating the length. It came out a bit shorter than I wanted and now I think I look kind of like this girl:

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

It's very fancy on old Delancy street you know.

Manhattan, NY, 1967 or 1968


I have never been before, which is quite silly considering how close I live. (Close by Canadian standards, mind you).  But I am going to fix that by spending the first week of September in New York!!!!

this year

My birthday is coming up soon, so I thought I would look back on this year a little bit. It's been different!

Good things: 
  • I finished my Masters Degree!
  • I received my residence permit to live in Sweden
  • I sewed a looooot of great clothes
  • I finally got over my fear of spiders, for good this time! I've always wavered back and forth between being (mostly) indifferent to spiders, to being petrified of them. Now I think I have really gotten over the fear! I see them all the time in my garden, and they are always trying to get inside, and I am never afraid!
  • I got better at tennis!
The not-so-good:

  • Living at home was ... interesting. In retrospect, I would not decide to live a two hour commute away from school (or work) ever again. It just eats up all your time. 

Monday, 6 August 2012

Life could be a dream, sweetheart

Here is how I looked today when I stayed at home studying and trying to organize all the many things I need to do this month.
This blouse is made by me, from a vintage pattern from 1957.  The shorts are from H&M and the watch is my dad's. It's so sunny that I couldn't keep from squinting!
My favourite part of this blouse is the double-pocket.

Sunday, 5 August 2012


I'm sewing a baby-sized shirt today. I'm obsessed with how tiny the pocket is!

Photos of the finished product tomorrow!

Saturday, 4 August 2012

violette pastilles

I love violet candies. When I was a child I would buy big rolls of soft Parma Violets from the sweet shop in our cottage town and carry them around in my pockets all summer long. My clothes always smelt of water and sand and old-fashioned candies.

These violet pastilles are from the German grocer and have a single anise seed at the centre. They're perfect to have with me on the long bus rides home from school when I just need something small and sweet to carry me through till dinner.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Dill might be my favourite plant in the garden. I love its strange, wispy leaves and nodding, blowsy flower crowns. Most of all, I love the smell. It reminds me of summers at my grandparents' farm like nothing else can. My grandfather died eight years ago and I haven't been to that old house since then, but still the smell of dill filling my small garden takes me back there, to those warm warm warm afternoons picking red currants, looking for frogs at the pond, wandering in the pasture with the horses, running back to the house with the smell of dill heady in the yard.

 If you see some yellow flowers in this picture, they are cucumber blossoms. I'm hoping to make pickles this summer. But right now these vines boast just one, oddly shapen little vegetable, so I brought home a big field cucumber from the market and made snabbgurka ('quick pickle') instead.

This is so simple but makes the perfect, fresh, summery side dish. Kaninen's mother showed me how to make it. Use your trusty vegetable slicer to slice very thin rounds of cucumber (however much you want to eat) into a bowl. Peeling it first is up to you. Mix with 1/2-1 tsp each of salt and sugar and a lidful of white vinegar (ättika). Try to get a balance of salty, sweet and sharp. Cover your cucumber with finely chopped dill (or other herbs) and cover it with a little dish. Let it sit while you are preparing the rest of your dinner, say, boiling the potatoes to go alongside it. After twenty minutes or so: Eat!

Snabbgurka goes well with meats or with starchy vegetables like potatoes or roasted beets, anything that wants a nice sharp taste alongside it to cut through starchy or fatty foods.

PS I just noticed on my calendar that today marks the start of crayfish season. Timely, as crayfish are traditionally eaten with lots of dill crowns!

This guy likes dill, too.


ett enkelt recept för snabbgurka!